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ROI - Reliability of Income Profiler
Question 1
What percentage of your retirement savings do you plan to use to create retirement income?
A. More than 75%.
B. 50% to 75%.
C. 25% to 50%+.
D. Less than 25%.
Question 2
When considering your essential living expenses such as housing, food, utilities, insurance and healthcare, what percentage of your total desired retirement income will be dedicated to these types of expenses?
A. 80% or more.
B. 60% to 80%.
C. 40% to 60%.
D. Less than 40%.
Question 3
During our retirement years we expect our monthly income needs to:
A. Decrease significantly.
B. Stay the same.
C. Increase at the rate of inflation.
D. Increase significantly.
Question 4
The percentage of our monthly retirement income that will be received from guaranteed income sources such as Social Security and pensions is:
A. Less than 25% of our desired income.
B. 25% to 50% of our desired income.
C. 50% to 75% of our desired income.
D. More than 75% of our desired income.
Question 5
It is more important to me to have my income stable and predictable, even if it is not inflation adjusted, than it is to have an inflation-adjusted income that isn’t guaranteed.
A. Strongly agree.
B. Somewhat agree.
C. Disagree.
D. Strongly disagree.
Question 6
Leaving a significant portion of this investment to non-spouse heirs is important.
A. Strongly disagree.
B. Disagree.
C. Somewhat agree.
D. Strongly agree.
Question 7
If your health permits it, how do you feel about working during retirement?
A. I would only return to work if I absolutely needed the income.
B. I might enjoy part-time work the first few years of my retirement.
C. I might enjoy part-time work throughout my retirement.
D. I plan on working significant amounts of time throughout my retirement.
Question 8
I worry that I will outlive my income.
A. Strongly agree.
B. Agree.
C. Disagree.
D. Strongly disagree.
Question 9
If the balance of the assets we used to generate retirement income dropped to 75% of their original value because of market declines, I would still feel comfortable with my income plan if:
A. 75% of the initial income stream was guaranteed.
B. 50% of the initial income stream was guaranteed.
C. 25% of the initial income stream was guaranteed.
D. I would be comfortable without any guarantee and view this decline as being in the range of normal market activity.
Question 10
10. How experienced are you in managing investments?
A. Not experienced.
B. Less experienced.
C. Somewhat experienced.
D. Very experienced.
Question 11
In my retirement accounts, I am more concerned with maintaining principal than I am with achieving additional growth over and above my monthly income need:
A. Strongly agree.
B. Somewhat agree.
C. Disagree.
D. Strongly disagree.
Question 12
If you needed $10,000 due to an unexpected financial obligation, would you need to liquidate a portion of this account?
A. Yes. This is my only source of liquid assets.
B. Maybe. I do have other sources of liquid assets, but this is my primary source.
C. Probably Not. I have several other sources of liquid assets that I would likely utilize.
D. No. I have several other sources of liquid assets that I would use first.
Question 13
Which statement best describes your attitude toward price fluctuations in your investments?
A. In return for knowing my portfolio is protected against large decreases in value, I am willing to forgo the potential of large investment returns.
B. I don’t want my portfolio to fluctuate as much as the general financial markets, but I can withstand some up and down variances in my portfolio over time.
C. I am willing to accept a modest amount of price fluctuation to attempt to achieve a return modestly higher than that available without risk of price fluctuations.
D. I am willing to accept a high level of volatility for the potential to realize maximum returns.
Question 14
A reasonable time to commit to an equity mutual fund investment is:
A. 1 to 3 years.
B. 3 to 5 years.
C. 5 to 10 years.
D. More than 10 years.
Question 15
If I invested 100% of my retirement assets to produce a non-guaranteed income stream, I would abandon the plan if the value of my account declined by:
A. 10%.
B. 20%.
C. More than 20%.
D. I would not abandon the plan.
Question 16
I expect future market returns to be less than historic long term averages.
A. Strongly agree.
B. Somewhat agree.
C. Disagree.
D. Strongly disagree.
Question 17
I believe my retirement income will need to last beyond twenty-five years:
A. Strongly agree.
B. Somewhat agree.
C. Disagree.
D. Strongly disagree.
Question 18
At my expected retirement date, I plan to be free of credit card debt?
A. Strongly agree.
B. Somewhat agree.
C. Disagree.
D. Strongly disagree.
Question 19
Over the last five years, I have had the need for $5,000 or more for an unexpected expense.
A. Three or more times.
B. Twice.
C. Once.
D. Never.
Question 20
If my children or grandchildren needed $5,000 for an unexpected expense, I would help them with the full amount and I would not expect repayment?
A. Strongly agree.
B. Agree.
C. Disagree.
D. Strongly disagree.
Question 21
In retirement, I would like to purchase a new/used vehicle every 3-5 years?
A. Strongly agree.
B. Agree.
C. Disagree.
D. Strongly disagree.
Question 22
I would like to travel during retirement and my travel expenses would come out of my normal budget:
A. Strongly agree. I would like to travel extensively including at least one “dream” trip and the expenses for this would not be part of my normal budget.
B. Disagree. I would expect to travel but there would be additional expenses that would not be part of my normal budget.
C. Agree. I do expect to travel and the expenses would be covered out of my normal budget.
D. I do not plan to travel in retirement.
Question 23
Select the statement that best describes your level of participation in activities or hobbies during retirement:
A. The activities or hobbies I will most likely participate in require a substantial on-going investment (e.g. collecting cars, engaging in a hobby such as being a private pilot, or maintaining a vacation home).
B. The activities or hobbies I will most likely participate in will require a major purchase to begin (e.g. purchasing a boat of RV).
C. The activities or hobbies I will most likely participate in will require additional money to enjoy (e.g. a golf or tennis club membership).
D. The activities or hobbies I will most likely participate in will require little or no money to enjoy (e.g. walking, reading, gym, interest clubs).
Question 24
At my expected retirement date I plan to be free of mortgage debt?
A. Strongly agree.
B. Agree.
C. Disagree.
D. Strongly disagree.
Question 25
I plan to own one residence for the duration of our retirement?
A. Disagree. I currently own or want to purchase a second residence.
B. Agree, but I plan to upsize or make major upgrades to my current residence to maintain market value.
C. Agree, and my current residence is less than 10 –years old with no major upgrades planned.
D. Agree, and I plan to downsize my current residence.
Question 26
I plan to provide some funds to support the educational need of our children or grandchildren.
A. Strongly agree. I plan to provide educational support and would like to have assets designated specifically for this purpose.
B. Agree. I plan on providing educational support and I plan to do so on a “pay as they go” arrangement.
C. Agree. I would like to provide support, but only if my retirement income would not be reduced in order to provide that support
D. Disagree. I do not plan on providing any education support.
Question 27
What percentage of your current estate in today’s dollars do you want to leave to your family?
A. 100%+
B. 50 to 100%
C. 26 to 50%
D. 0 to 25%
Question 28
What percentage of your current estate in today’s dollars do you want to leave to charity?
A. 100%+
B. 50 to 100%
C. 26 to 50%
D. 0 to 25%
Question 29
I would be willing to reduce my income in retirement in order to provide for my heirs?
A. I would be willing to reduce my income by more than 20% to provide for my heirs.
B. I would be willing to reduce my income by up to 20% to provide for my heirs.
C. I would be willing to reduce my income by 10% to provide for my heirs.
D. Not willing to reduce my income.
Question 30
I would be willing to reduce my income in retirement in order to leave money to charity?
A. I would be willing to reduce my income by more than 20% to leave money to charity.
B. I would be willing to reduce my income by up to 20% to leave money to charity.
C. I would be willing to reduce my income by 10% or less to leave some money to charity.
D. Not willing to reduce my income.
Question 31
I/we will continue paying premiums on permanent insurance policies.
A. Yes, we have permanent insurance equal to 10+ times our retirement income needs.
B. Yes, we have permanent insurance equal to 5-10 times our retirement income needs.
C. Yes, we have permanent insurance equal to 0-5 times our retirement income needs.
D. No, we do not have any permanent insurance coverage.
Question 32
I/we are comfortable that our estate planning documents are in order and our assets would pass to our desired recipients.
A. Strongly agree.
B. Agree.
C. Disagree.
D. Strongly disagree.
Question 33
I/we plan to obtain a Medicare Supplement Policy.
A. Yes, I have coverage in place.
B. No. I have considered it but don’t want to purchase coverage at this time.
C. No, but I would consider purchasing if I had more information.
D. Not immediately, but I do plan to purchase in the next 2-3 years or when we turn 65.
Question 34
I/we plan to obtain a Long-Term Care Policy.
A. Yes, I have coverage in place.
B. No, I have considered it but don’t want to purchase coverage at this time.
C. No, but I would consider purchasing if I had more information.
D. Not immediately, but I do plan to purchase in the next 2-3 years.
Your ROI - Reliability of Income Results
You scored
[Question 1+Question 2+Question 3+Question 4+Question 5+Question 6+Question 7+Question 8+Question 9] out of 100
0 - 37
The value of a stable and predictable income stream is MINIMAL
37 - 62
The value of a stable and predictable income stream is MODERATE
62 - 87
The value of a stable and predictable income stream is MODERATELY HIGH
The value of a stable and predictable income stream is HIGH
You scored
[Question 10+Question 11+Question 12+Question 13+Question 14+Question 15+Question 16+Question 17] out of 100
0 - 37
The sensitivity to volatility in the portfolio is MINIMAL
37 - 62
The sensitivity to volatility in the portfolio is MODERATE
62 - 87
The sensitivity to volatility in the portfolio is MODERATELY HIGH
The sensitivity to volatility in the portfolio is HIGH
You scored
[Question 18+Question 19+Question 20+Question 21+Question 22+Question 23+Question 24+Question 25] out of 100
0 - 37
The need for a lump sum of funds in the portfolio is MINIMAL
37 - 62
The need for a lump sum of funds in the portfolio is MODERATE
62 - 87
The need for a lump sum of funds in the portfolio is MODERATELY HIGH
The need for a lump sum of funds in the portfolio is HIGH
You scored
[Question 26+Question 27+Question 28+Question 29+Question 30+Question 31+Question 32+Question 33+Question 34] out of 100
0 - 37
The need for a legacy fund in the portfolio is MINIMAL
37 - 62
The need for a legacy fund in the portfolio is MODERATE
62 - 87
The need for a legacy fund in the portfolio is MODERATELY HIGH
The need for a legacy fund in the portfolio is HIGH
Risk Tolerance Factor Results
You scored
[Question 10+Question 11+Question 12+Question 13+Question 14+Question 15+Question 16+Question 17] out of 100
0 - 37
The sensitivity to volatility in the portfolio is MINIMAL
37 - 62
The sensitivity to volatility in the portfolio is MODERATE
62 - 87
The sensitivity to volatility in the portfolio is MODERATELY HIGH
The sensitivity to volatility in the portfolio is HIGH
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